The Year of Accelerated Adoption


The Consumer Electronic Show this year was a fully prerecorded virtual affair, with ubiquitous floating people in squares on our screens. The keynote events had nearly natural scripts presented by one of the conglomerates convincing us that our daily world will change for the better. One word comes to mind when I want to summarize the technological acceleration and business pitches that percolated through every panel discussion: adoption.

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Throughout every industry, implementing change needs to answer the following big question—how do we get people to be comfortable and engaged enough with new innovations to increase adoption pace to reach a significant population to deliver the promised value of the innovation? The adoption predictions of many major technological advancements were a decade out, but 2020 has pressed companies and individuals to adapt to a more well-connected world, placing the new technological timelines within a few years.

Adoption was a key point of excitement for many industries, many of them enabled by the new 5G networks. Topics ranging from electric vehicles, cloud computing, healthcare networks and telehealth, cryptocurrencies, contactless shopping, “cord cutting” cable to streaming, online commerce—all gain momentum for companies and will begin, or already have begun, a shift in the daily life for the average consumer.

Accelerated adoption of technology in these larger industries means the promise of change that seemed futuristic but will finally start becoming part of the regular social ethos. However, these industries still rely on the adoption of the consumer to realize their vision. So, as you, the consumer, continues into the next half decade, be aware and feel confident that your individual choice in technology, products, stores, apps, and services can and will have an impact in the future in which we will all reside.

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